
What to expect during acupuncture treatment

Our clinic environment is designed so you can relax, absorb, and get the most out of your acupuncture treatments. For new patients, after being welcomed on arrival, we’ll discuss your specific situation and health goals in one of the comfortable treatment rooms.

Together we’ll explore your health history, lifestyle, diet and exercise to understand the part they play in your current health. I’ll use various diagnostic techniques including taking your pulse and examining your lower legs and arms. All this will be done with your comfort and modesty in mind, and is usually carried out without having to remove clothing.

All the information you share will be considered in order to arrive at a diagnosis. We’ll discuss a treatment aim for the session and, if required, agree a longer term plan that fits with your health goals. Ultra fine needles will be inserted in the chosen acupuncture points and left in place for approximately 20 minutes. One of the complimentary therapies below may be included in the treatment to enhance the therapeutic affects (at no extra cost). 

Other therapies that may be included as part of your treatment

Depending on your symptoms, other complimentary therapies may be included in your treatment to help support the body and encourage an environment for optimal healing. We’ll always discuss with you beforehand our reason for recommending these treatments and allow time to answer any questions you may have.


Moxibustion (or moxa) is a therapeutic method of classical Chinese medicine where heat is used warm and stimulate acupuncture points or areas of tension on the body. Moxa is often combined with acupuncture to enhance the effects of treatment.


Recently made famous by world-class athletes, cupping therapy is thousands of years old. Glass or plastic cups with a vacuum seal are placed on the skin to stimulate blood flow, removing stagnation and toxins.

Tuina massage

Tuina is a Chinese therapeutic massage that works well with acupuncture. Tuina is designed to relieve muscle tension, increase circulation and blood flow, and stimulate the internal organs.

FREE consultation

Start your journey to better health with a free 20 minute telephone consultation.

Book a treatment

Book your acupuncture treatment quickly and easily online, contact me, or call 01737 420221.